I've mised pretty much this year.
Well, all because going to the movies in Penang
ain't that convenient especially parking!
I like the south best! That is Johor Bahru!
Anyway, next year there're quite a handful of
great movies in store and I hope I'll fulfill my interest!
January isn't much of any exciting movies
but Hensel and Grettel, the Witch Hunter seems okay!
Though I may be an old fan of Arnold,
I would not waste my time for his Last Stand at the theater.
Anyway, I won't be be watching Hensel and Grettel at the theater too.
Nothing too exciting in February except for Bruce Willis' Die Hard!
And then in March, there is Oz, the Great and the Powerful
Jack the Giant Slayer
( yeah, that Jack and the beanstalk story, again! )
and the remake of CARRIE, the horrorflick!
We'll see March reviving the postponed GI Joe, Retaliation
which I was looking forward to mid of this year.
on a sci-fi called Oblivion in April.
What follows later in May is Iron Man 3
followed by Star TREK sequel, Into the Darkness.
and Man of Steel ( Superman ) in June.
In July we'll have another of Jerry Bruckheimer's
adventure epic, The Lone Ranger
with another sci-fi from Bratt Pitt, World War Z,
sort of War of the World type.
On the line up it seems we'll have THOR 2 in November,
entitled The Dark World.
We may expect to have Fast and Furious 6 and Jurassic Park 4.
It also seems that there'll be a HELLRAISER in the making
but no detailed news on it yet.
Well, that's about it as of now.
Untill when there're more infos and previews,
I'll be constantly collecting for my HOMEvideo library
especially the Blu-ray discs.
See ya around.