Hello there! This calls for a brand new celebration for a brand new day in this brand new year! Why? Well if you noticed, my last blog ended in October 2007. It's not that I have not blogged but there was one in November that I had spent some time over it and it went totally missing until this day I never knew how it did or why.
In the midst of that ( between then and now ), I was having a long term of migrating, relocating of my broadband line. But it was the preparations ( packing, discarding things and all that ) that took such a long time. But of course our country's telco system is way behind the future! It took them 3 over weeks to settle the line in order to get me connected. Yeah! Just connected but until this very day, it is still unresolved. The line kept cutting off, making me so very difficult to work, online!
Then came our Chinese New year that falls in February thus nothing much was done. And after that it's the shifted new lodge hickups!! Yeah, the unpacking and rearranging is really one big issue.
My collectible items need to be properly stuffed after some tedious arranging of the shelves in my Data Room which is my only workspace and blogspace plus my archive room too! You can see a portion of my room from the Workstation below here. How's that? You like it?
The rear portion of my Data Room hasn't been photographed yet cos most of my boxes are still unpacked as I am still unsure of it's location. Lots of old documents are not yet being stuffed into the proper cabinets.
As of today, after I fall out with Adsence regarding my illegal clicks and not accepting my "remorse" from the appeal, I have put in my nuffnang ( our one and only Malaysia Blog Ads Org I can think of right now ) from which I should have done long long time ago but because Adsence came first , I couldn't add in nuffnang. It's not that I ain't loyal to our own countrymen but it's just the timing.
Ok, but that is all over and I am glad this is like a blessing in disguise. I am back on a fresh track and will move on and so are my blogs going crazee all over .....
And also in the hope of having a life full of contentment that I can live in peace in the blogspace!!Keep me on your track , huh? Would be glad . Don't worry, there will be links here and there so that you could catch up with me "wherever" I may be!!
Welcome to all new comers and to the regulars, thanks for your precious time!
See ya and now I gotta go for a break to somewhere out there!